Apple Awarded Patent on Air Design, Ultrabook Competitors Weep By Molly Klinefelter published 7 June 12
Notes Plus Review By Molly Klinefelter published 13 August 13 Notes Plus isn't cheap, but comes full of features for those who want more than just a basic note-taking app.
Hands-on WebMD Pain Coach iPhone App, No Drugs Included By Molly Klinefelter published 17 September 12
Splashtop Launches Configurable Shortcuts and Gamepad Add-On By Molly Klinefelter published 31 January 13
Kids' Smart PJs Do Bedtime Reading For You By Molly Klinefelter published 25 April 13 E-book retailers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble have "read-to-me" features, where kids can literally have their tablet or e-reader read their favorite stories to them so Mom and Dad don't have to,...
Stewart/Stand Introduces Women's Line of RFID-Blocking Wallets By Molly Klinefelter published 30 January 13
iTwin Connect Secures Your Connection, Even Over Public Wi-Fi By Molly Klinefelter published 7 February 13
Embrace+ Smart Bracelet Flashes Colors for Smartphone Notifications By Molly Klinefelter published 28 February 13
Touchfire Screen-top Keyboard for iPad Hands-on: Gimmick or Godsend? By Molly Klinefelter published 16 July 12
Dell, Lenovo and Samsung to Release Windows RT Tablets, Laptops By Molly Klinefelter published 13 August 12
Angry Birds: Star Wars Review By Molly Klinefelter published 8 November 12 Editor's Choice "Angry Birds: Star Wars" feels the force with a fun storyline, new characters and all-new abilities that add up to a killer game.