Pokémon GO: How to beat Sierra in April 2023

Pokémon GO: How to beat Sierra in April 2023
(Image credit: Niantic)

Pokémon GO can't be stopped and won't be stopped, because we gotta catch em all, and kill em all -- Team Rocket, that is. Now that April is here, Pokémon GO players have a slew of new challenges to face, including three Team Rocket Leaders, and the final boss: Giovanni

Before you get to Giovanni, you need to know how to beat Sierra. To get to Sierra, you need to defeat six Team Go Rocket grunts to obtain the parts for a Rocket Radar. Then you can use this Rocket Radar to challenge one of the three Team Rocket Leaders, which where we'll find Sierra.

Here's how to beat Sierra in April 2023.

How to counter Sierra in Pokémon GO

Sierra has three phases.

First Phase: Murkrow

Second Phase: Staraptor, Steelix, or Swampert

Third Phase: Charizard, Houndoom, or Dragonite

Sierra Phase 1: Counters for Shadow Murkrow

Pokémon GO: How to beat Sierra in April 2023

(Image credit: Niantic)

Shadow Murkrow is a Dark/Flying-type Pokemon, so it’s weak to Electric, Fairy, Ice, and Rock-types but resistant to Dark, Ghost, Grass, Ground, and Psychic-type attacks. Murkrow is boosted by Fog and Windy weather.

Here are a list of counters for Shadow Murkrow.

  • Tyranitar: Smack Down and Stone Edge.
  • Galarian Darmanitan: Ice Fang and Avalanche.
  • Aggron: Smack Down and Stone Edge.
  • Rampardos: Smack Down and Rock Slide.
  • Xurkitree: Thunder Shock and Discharge.
  • Togekiss: Charm, Ancient Power, and Flamethrower.
  • Primarina: Charm, Moonblast, and Hydropump
  • Jolteon: Thunder Shock and Zap Cannon.
  • Zekrom: Charge Beam and Fusion Bolt.
  • Rhyperior: Smack Down and Rock Wrecker.
  • Gardevoir: Charm and Dazzling Gleam.

Sierra Phase 2: Counters for Shadow Staraptor

Pokémon GO: How to beat Sierra in April 2023

(Image credit: Niantic)

Shadow Staraptor is a Normal/Flying-type Pokémon, so it's weak to Electric, Ice, and Rock moves but resistant to Bug, Grass, Ghost, and Ground moves. Staraptor is boosted by Partly Cloudy and Windy weather.

Here are a list of counters for Shadow Staraptor.

  • Tyranitar: Smack Down and Stone Edge.
  • Mamoswine: Powder Snow, Avalanche and High Horsepower.
  • Xurkitree: Thunder Shock and Discharge.
  • Zekrom: Charge Beam and Fusion Bolt.
  • Rhyperior: Smack Down and Rock Wrecker.
  • Galarian Darmanitan: Ice Fang and Avalanche.
  • Rampardos: Smack Down and Rock Slide.
  • Glaceon: Frost Breath and Avalanche.
  • Abomasnow: Powder Snow, Weather Ball, and Energy Ball.
  • Magnezone: Spark, Wild Charge, and Mirror Shot.

Sierra Phase 2: Counters for Shadow Steelix

Shadow Steelix is a Ground/Steel-type Pokemon, so it’s weak to Fighting, Fire, Ground, and Water types but resistant to Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Normal, Psychic, Steel, Electric, Rock, and Poison-type moves. Steelix is boosted by Snow and Sunny weather.

Here are a list of counters for Shadow Steelix.

  • Rhyperior: Mud Slap and Surf.
  • Kyogre: Waterfall and Surf.
  • Charizard: Fire Spin and Blast Burn.
  • Terrakion: Double Kick and Sacred Sword.
  • Galarian Darmanitan: Ice Fang and Overheat.
  • Swampert: Mud Shot and Hyrdo Cannon.
  • Reshiram: Fire Fang and Fusion Flare.
  • Blaziken: Fire Spin and Overheat.
  • Lucario: Counter and Aura Sphere.
  • Conkeldurr: Counter and Dynamic Punch.
  • Garchomp: Mud Shot and Earth Power.

Sierra Phase 2: Counters for Shadow Swampert

Shadow Swampert is a Water/Ground-type Pokémon, which means it's weak to Grass type moves but resistant to Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, and Steel type moves. Swampert is boosted by Rain and Sunny weather.

Here are a list of counters for Shadow Swampert.

  • Kartana: Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade.
  • Roserade: Razor Leaf and Solar Beam.
  • Venusaur: Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant.
  • Torterra: Razor Leaf and Frenzy Plant.
  • Sceptile: Bullet Seed and Leaf Blade.
  • Chesnaught: Bullet Seed, Leaf Blade, and Dragon Claw.
  • Tapu Bulu: Bullet Seed and Solar Beam.
  • Exeggutor: Bullet Seed and Solar Beam.
  • Breloom: Bullet Seed and Grass Knot.

Sierra Phase 3: Counters for Shadow Charizard

Pokémon GO: How to beat Sierra in April 2023

(Image credit: Niantic)

Shadow Charizard is a Fire/Flying-type Pokemon, which means it's super weak to Rock-type and weak to Water and Electric-type attacks but resistant to Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Ground, Steel, Bug, and Grass-type moves. Charizard is boosted by Sunny and Windy weather.

Here are a list of counters for Shadow Charizard.

  • Kyogre: Waterfall and Surf.
  • Omastar: Rock Throw and Rock Slide.
  • Rhyperior: Smack Down and Rock Wrecker/Surf.
  • Terrakion: Smack Down and Rock Slide.
  • Rampardos: Smack Down and Rock Slide.
  • Gigalith: Smack Down and Meteor Beam.
  • Tyranitar: Smack Down and Stone Edge.
  • Lycanroc: Rock Throw and Stone Edge.
  • Golem: Rock Throw and Stone Edge.
  • Aerodactyl: Rock Throw and Rock Slide.

Sierra Phase 3: Counters for Shadow Houndoom

Shadow Houndoom is a Dark/Fire-type Pokemon, so it’s weak to Fighting, Ground, Rock, and Water-types but resistant to Dark, Fire, Ghost, Grass, Ice, Psychic, and Steel-type attacks. Houndoom is boosted by Fog and Sunny weather.

Here are a list of counters for Shadow Houndoom.

  • Lucario: Counter and Power-Up Punch.
  • Machamp: Counter and Close Combat.
  • Conkeldurr: Counter and Dynamic Punch.
  • Kyogre: Waterfall and Surf.
  • Rampardos: Smack Down and Rock Slide.
  • Tyranitar: Smack Down and Stone Edge.
  • Terrakion: Double Kick and Sacred Sword.
  • Rhyperior: Smack Down and Rock Wrecker.

Sierra Phase 3: Counters for Shadow Dragonite

Shadow Dragonite is a Dragon/Flying-type Pokemon, so its super weak to Ice-type attacks and weak to Dragon, Fairy, and Rock-type attacks but resistant to Bug, Fighting, Fire, Water, Grass, and Ground-type attacks. Dragonite is boosted by Windy weather.

Here are a list of counters for Shadow Dragonite.

  • Tyranitar: Smack Down and Stone Edge.
  • Mamoswine: Powder Snow and Avalanche.
  • Weavile: Ice Shard and Avalanche.
  • Glaceon: Frost Breath and Avalanche.
  • Kyurem: Dragon Tail and Blizzard.
  • Galarian Darmanitan: Ice Fang and Avalanche.
  • Rampardos: Smack Down and Rock Slide.
  • Rhyperior: Smack Down and Rock Wrecker.
  • Togekiss (Alola): Charm, Ancient Power, and Flamethrower.
  • Primarina: Charm, Moonblast, and Psyshock.
  • Gardevoir: Charm, Synchronoise, and Shadow Ball.
  • Aggron: Smack Down, Meteor Beam, and Stone Edge.

Destroying Sierra's pretty face will net you 1000 Stardust, and two random drops between a set of Revives, Max Revives, Hyper Potions, Max Potions, or a Unova Stone or a 12KM Egg. You also have an opportunity to catch the Shadow Murkrow.

Good luck!

Rami Tabari
Reviews Editor

Rami Tabari is the Reviews Editor for Laptop Mag. He reviews every shape and form of a laptop as well as all sorts of cool tech. You can find him sitting at his desk surrounded by a hoarder's dream of laptops, and when he navigates his way out to civilization, you can catch him watching really bad anime or playing some kind of painfully difficult game. He’s the best at every game and he just doesn’t lose. That’s why you’ll occasionally catch his byline attached to the latest Souls-like challenge.