Hogwarts Legacy delayed until 2022 — Harry Potter fans will have to wait another year

Hogwarts Legacy delayed to 2022 — Harry Potter fans will have to wait another year
(Image credit: Portkey Games)

To all of the Harry Potter fans out there desperately waiting for Hogwarts Legacy to launch, you're going to have to wait a bit longer. Hogwarts Legacy has been delayed until 2022.

Given that the year just started, it's clear that Avalanche Software still has a lot of work to do — that is, at least another 11 months worth. 

Hogwarts Legacy delay: What we know

Portkey Games, the label behind Hogwarts Legacy, released a statement on Twitter about the delay.

"We would like to thank fans from around the world on the tremendous reaction to the announcement of Hogwarts Legacy from our Porkey Games label. Creation the best possible experience for all of the Wizarding World and gaming fans is paramount to us so we are giving the game the time it needs," it wrote.

Despite having quite a few years to bake in the oven, it seems Hogwarts Legacy still needs more time, which is perfectly fine so long as the game is released without any major issues. I think we've all seen the consequences of a game being released before it was actually ready (ahem, Cyberpunk 2077).

Of course, the delay also probably has a lot to do with coronavirus, as many game developers have expressed the ups and downs of working from home during game development. It's more than likely that we won't see anything about Hogwarts Legacy at least until E3 this summer, or possibly even another PS5 event in the latter half of the year.

Stay tuned for more news and updates regarding Hogwarts Legacy.

Rami Tabari
Reviews Editor

Rami Tabari is the Reviews Editor for Laptop Mag. He reviews every shape and form of a laptop as well as all sorts of cool tech. You can find him sitting at his desk surrounded by a hoarder's dream of laptops, and when he navigates his way out to civilization, you can catch him watching really bad anime or playing some kind of painfully difficult game. He’s the best at every game and he just doesn’t lose. That’s why you’ll occasionally catch his byline attached to the latest Souls-like challenge.