World of Warcraft Dragonflight reveal: Everything announced at the show
Here's everything that happened at the show

Blizzard Entertainment revealed what’s in store for the future of World of Warcraft in a presentation yesterday. We already know that World of Warcraft’s cross-faction update is in the works, but beyond 9.2.5, there are a number of exciting updates to look forward to. After all, Shadowlands suffered from a particularly exhausting endgame, so it's nice to have a fresh start.
Dragonflight's reveal pre-stream is showcasing concept art from each expansion in a chronological order. Hearing music from Wrath of the Lich King is bringing me to tears!
WoW 10.0's reveal stream has just begun! Be sure to tune in on YouTube or Twitch to see what Blizzard Entertainment has in store for the next expansion. We'll also be sharing everything we learn through this post.
Blizzard is currently showing off Dragonflight's cinematic. It involves Watcher Koranos waking up from a 10,000 year slumber, in which he pushes through great strife to reawaken a mysterious island. Suddenly, we see dragons soaring through the air as light returns to this plane. It's now clear, the Dragon Isles are alive! Although some might find it anti-climactic, Dragonflight's cinematic trailer boasts good vibes for a positive future.
It's officially called World of Warcraft Dragonflight. This has been rumored for months, but some players weren't entirely certain if it was true. Shadowlands also fell prey to similar leaks, so we can probably expect the next expansion to have this issue unless Blizzard makes a significant change.
Dragonflight is introducing the Dracthyr, a new race that has the Evoker class inherently tied to it. It's being referred to as the Dracthyr Evoker, and allows the player to channel all five Aspects, with Red and Blue spread to the Devastation Specialization for ranged damage and Bronze and Green found in the Preservation Specialization for healing. We're not sure where Black magic will come into play, but it was hinted that it would be present. Beyond all these cool spells, the Dracthyr Evoker will finally let me play the adorable dragon of my dreams.
Dragonflight will be featuring a massive overhaul of its core progression systems, including talent trees and professions, with UI also featuring getting big changes. A major reason for this choice has to do with progression being reset between expansions, so Blizzard Entertainment is making it player-based again. An in-depth talent tree revival is a feature I've waited 10 years for, so this is a welcome change.
Dragonflight will be introducing a new feature called Dragon Riding. Players will be able to do dive bombs and gain boosts of speeds to traverse the Dragon Isles in dynamic ways. Players can also deepen their bond with these dragons, and can customize their new dragon right from the get go and make it their own personalized buddy.
Blizzard is showing off the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic logo. Balancing Dragonflight with the return of my favorite expansion will consume my life.
Wrath of the Lich King Classic will be doing away with Dungeon Finder, as people often think it can be sourced as the first death of the social aspects of the series.
The Dragonflight deep dive is beginning right now. Steve Danuser and Terran Gregory are going into the lore implications of the existence of the Dragon Isles and the story of this expansion.
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight's new zones look far more dedicated towards traditional high fantasy with its gorgeous plains and tall mountains. After Shadowlands took players to some ridiculous places, it's wonderful to return back to Azeroth and run around its gorgeous sights.
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight has finally introduced ducks. Who knew it could really happen!
Fog distance has been increased for the new Dragonflight zones, as the areas are so big and the designers wanted to give players the opportunity to see farther into the lands.
Dragonflight features some of the largest zones in the game, with one zone in particular possibly being the largest area to date.
Thaldraszus is the final area of Dragonflight, an ethereal place that features much of the ancient technology that kept the power of the Dragon Isles obscured from the world.
The event is going in-depth in Dracthyr customization and what the Evoker class can do, including details on its ranged damage Devastation specialization and healer Preservation specialization. The former utilizes Red and Blue magic, while the latter puts Bronze and Green magic to use. Bronze magic seems quite unique, as it allows the healer to provide hastening buffs to the party (essentially minor versions of bloodlust). The Dracthyr even has a humanoid alternative, allowing players to switch between them when desired.
Dragonflight's UI revamp is approached with the idea that the player can customize the elements of their screen in the ways that best fit their playstyles. There will be lots of elements that exist to modernize the action bars, mini-map and health bars. The focus is to allow players to focus on the game itself rather than outdated hud elements.

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight will be featuring a return to in-depth talent trees, with the one on the left revolving around class passives and abilities that every Druid will have access to, and then one on the right focusing on your specialization.
Blizzard is discussing crafting orders, which allows the player to put in a work order within the community and include a comission for another player to make the item and let you have access to it.
The new expansion is also introducing crafting stats and quality levels to items the player creates. While this could be great to spice up gathering and crafting, these profession system changes might result in a deeper grind. Crafting specializations are also being introduced, which allows the player to tackle different things even if they're the same profession. Each profession will have a crafting table in Dragonflight's main city.
Every profession will have new types of gear, and a player's character will change into those clothes whenever they're gathering or crafting based on that profession.