How to Set Alarms in Windows 10

Most of us don't have old-fashioned clock radios at home or portable alarm clocks to take with us on the road. When you need to be woken up at a particular time, you can use your smartphone, but any Windows 10 device can also do the job.  Windows 10 has a built-in alarm clock app, which you can set up using the following steps.

1. Type "alarm" into the Windows search box.

2. Click the "Alarms & Clock" icon.

3. Click the plug button to add a new alarm time. You can also select an existing alarm to edit it.

4. Set an alarm time. You can also set the alarm sound, snooze time, number of times the alarm repeats and the name of the alarm, but these are all optional settings.

5. Click the save button in the lower right corner of the window.

Note that, on most computers, the alarm screen will say that "Notifications will only show if the PC is awake." So, for your alarm to go off, you will need to configure your computer NOT to go to sleep. 

To stop your computer from sleeping:

1. Type "sleep" into the Windows search box

2. Click "Power and Sleep Settings"

3. Set Sleep time to "Never" under "when plugged in" and / or "on battery." If you don't let it sleep when you're on battery, your computer could run out of juice.

Windows 10 Performance and Productivity

Avram Piltch
Online Editorial Director
The official Geeks Geek, as his weekly column is titled, Avram Piltch has guided the editorial and production of since 2007. With his technical knowledge and passion for testing, Avram programmed several of LAPTOP's real-world benchmarks, including the LAPTOP Battery Test. He holds a master's degree in English from NYU.